Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Rwanda maintains effective military control in eastern DR Congo: UN

Rwanda maintains military control over part of eastern DR Congo.

That's according to confidential UN documents obtained by the BBC.

The British broadcaster notes The alleged control - which Rwanda denies - is through proxy Congolese forces used by Rwanda... The papers say Rwanda maintains what the UN calls "Rwandan military structure of control" over parts of DR Congo through the use of proxy Congolese forces.
These forces are powerful.

In June, a renegade Congolese army chief seized the strategic Congolese town of Bukavu, on the border with Rwanda, in a move which led to widespread unrest throughout DR Congo.

According to the UN documents, the renegade Congolese army commander was "the military chief" of the Rwandan military structure of control and that, as recently as late last month, this structure remained in place.

The documents' conclusions were drawn even before recent reports that official Rwandan Army troops had yet again invaded Congolese territory.

Rwanda angrily denies any such allegations but asserts its right to pursue anti-Rwandan government rebels which have bases in DR Congo.

It's always curious when someone insists they have the right to do something illegal and controversial like this but deny actually doing it.


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